At Appian we have the ability to scan Buildings, Structures and small Sites using Lidar 3D Geospatial scanners. These machines capture the total horizontal and vertical environment with more than 43,000 points a second. This means we obtain almost total data collection in the field in a fraction of the time from traditional methods. Once the scan is processed, it can be viewed in a 3D point cloud. Measurements can be extracted from the data and base drawings development for design. Some scans can produce virtual 360 degree panoramic photos as needed.
For Large sites we can use drones and other tools that use station based photogrammetric to provide aerial photos and point cloud data. With these tools we can provide real-time data for inspections (roof, site, structural, etc), preliminary design work, and as-built data. On construction sites we can perform scheduled flights to keep a visual record of the progress. See video for example.
With a fleet of drones (FAA licensed pilots) and remote rovers, various high-res cameras, go-pro’s and 3D laser scanners we are able to obtain:
Accurate Field measurements of buildings or structures.
As-Built data (Photo and 3D Data)
Current conditions of structures and sites for record or preliminary design.
3D walk-thru of structures and sites.
360 virtual photos
Up to date aerials
Floor and site plans
Non-evasive photos and 3D Lidar of site conditions

54,280 sf. Building Area
317 Rooms
Same Day Service (Scan and Plot in 6 Hours)