Appian has extensive experience in elevation raising projects; Appian performs pre-elevation inspections of each structure, provides technical feasibility analysis for structures requiring design modifications, develops foundation drawings and specifications based on the NC Residential Building Code and provides on-site inspections and reviews of the contractor’s work as needed. Appian engages with 8 coastal counties; designing elevations for more than 1000 homes and small businesses. Elevations include both AE and VE zones (the latter being Ocean Hazard). Elevation raising projects have been performed in Craven County, Beaufort County, Belhaven, Washington, New Hanover County, Pender County, Catawba County, Pamlico County, Washington County, Hyde County and the Towns of Carolinas Beach, Tarboro and Windsor. In addition, we have or are assisting in repairs, recovery and elevation raisings for projects relating to Hurricanes Fran, Floyd, Isabel, Irene, Matthew, and Florence.
Some Mitigation measures can involve FEMA map amendments for measures such as levees, pump systems and dry water proofing.
To see the FEMA house raising projects Appian has worked on in the past and are currently working on, click here.